Product Information Disclaimer

We're so excited to have you here on our site. Before you jump into our amazing selection of products, we’d like to share some important information to enhance your shopping experience.

We are proud to serve as a retailer for all the fabulous brands featured on our website. Please remember that we don’t manufacture these products ourselves. If you're curious about a specific manufacturer, we encourage you to check the product packaging or visit the official Korean website of the brand for the most accurate information.

We work diligently to keep our product details accurate and up to date. However, manufacturers occasionally change descriptions, ingredients, or packaging without our notice. We are committed to continuously updating our content, but we can’t take responsibility for unannounced changes made by the brands themselves.

The product photos you see on our website, including makeup swatches, are intended to be helpful visual guides. Keep in mind that the actual products may vary slightly due to factors like monitor settings, personal skin tones, and preparation methods. We want you to have the best shopping experience, so please consider these elements as you make your purchase.

We source all product images, including swatches, directly from the brands. Although we strive for accuracy, we can’t guarantee the complete accuracy of ingredient information or claims made by manufacturers on their packaging.

~Adverse Reactions: While we’re here to bring you the best products, please understand that Hello Seoul Limited cannot be held liable for any adverse reactions from the products we sell but don’t produce. We encourage you to read labels carefully, and if you have allergies or sensitivities, it’s always a good idea to reach out to the manufacturer directly for advice.

~"Suitable for Sensitive Skin" Label: If a product claims to be "suitable for sensitive skin," please note that this designation is based on information provided by the brand or manufacturer. Since this term isn’t standardised in the UK, we recommend that anyone with considerable skin sensitivity contact the manufacturer directly to ensure the product is right for your unique needs.

We are dedicated to bringing you the finest and most trusted Korean skincare and makeup products. We carefully research, test, and evaluate every item we offer. We truly appreciate your understanding that occasionally, errors or omissions may occur. If you spot any issues, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us through our contact form. Your feedback helps us continuously improve!

Thank you for choosing Hello Seoul, and happy browsing! We can’t wait for you to discover our wonderful products!